The Minnesota Heart Gallery provides the experience of a photo session between kids in foster care & professional photographers.


List of Volunteer Photographers

Adam Hommerding /

Alan Price /

Aleah Clements /

Alicia Klein /

Alyssa Lund, Alyssa Lund Photography /

Amanda Cane, JaneCane Photography /

Amber Schueler, AMS Photography /

Aminda Villamagna, Aminda Villa /

Amy Duffing,  3 Peas Photography /

Angie Baratto, This One Moment Photography /

Ashley Miller /

Becca Dilley /

Beth Dalenberg

Brady Whitcomb /

Brady Willette, Willette Pictures /

Bridget Schwegman, Shots by Bridge /

Brooke Wood /,

Candace Coughlin / www,

Carmen Rochelle /

Chris Lommel /

Christina Johnson /

Christina Romo /

Colleen Eversman, 2nd Truth /

Dana J Photography /

Darshan Nagaraju /

David Sherman /

Dean Riggott, Dean Riggott Photography /

Dell Gross, Gross Productions /

Don Pitlik, DCharles Photography /

Erin Johnson, Erin Johnson Photography /

Erin Sather, From the Wood Photography /

Erin Vournas /

Heather Barta /

Heather Schmitt, Heather Schmitt Photography /

Heidi Shub, Heidi Shub Photography /

Holly Diestler /

Janna Salmela, Janna Salmela Photography /

Jean Poland /

Jeanna Duerscherl /

Jeff Achen /

Jeff Silker /

Jennifer Guenther, Jennifer Guenther Photography /

Jennifer Nace, Jennifer Nace Photography /

Jeremy Shawley /

Jessica Hinnenkamp with JM Photo /

Jessica Lloyd /

Jessica Wallentine from Jessica Ann Photography /

Jessica & Jesse Tallant, Bella Rose Photography /

Jill Hanson, True Story by Jill /

Joanna Etshokin, Joanna Grace Photography /

John Hanson /

John & Emily Law, Flom Designs and Photography /

Jon Arenz /

Joy Augeson /

Julie Kraai /

Julie Prairie, Julie Prairie Photography /

Julie Safratowich, JsB Photography /

Katie Lewis, Katie Lewis Photography /

Kelli Wencl /

Kelvin Thoulouis, KT Pics /

Kevin Davis /

Kimberly Gaalswyk /

Kimi Coopet /

Kirsten Zak /

Kristen Purrington, Purrington Photography /

Kristin McCarthy, Kristin McCarthy Photography /

Krysta Bye /

Lane Olson /

Laura Wagoner /

Leslie Witte

Linda Rother /

Lisa Bell

Liz Allen, Liz Allen Photography & LA Seniors /

Lori Marie Photography /

Maggie Connaughty /

Maija Norwood /

Maria Brenny, Maria Brenny Photography

Maris Ehlers /

Mark Fitzgibbons /

Mark Stein /

Matthew Edstrom, Moondog Photography /

Michelle Huber, Michelle Huber Photography /

Michelle LeGault /

Michelle Tverberg /

Nicole Wilke, 1000 Words Photography /

Pamela Hansen /

Rebecca Sabot /

Renae Gusaas /

Rhonda Stark /

Rick Apitz /

Robert Meyer /

Robyn Raich Skantz, 712 Studios /

Sara Revermann /

Sarah Blesener, Sarah Blesener Photography /

Sarah Johnson, Sarah's Dandelions /

Sarah Leschinsky /

Sarah Yankowiak, Clear Sky Portrait /

Scott Streble /

Shelley Paulson /

Siri Arnesen, Siri Jean Photography /

Stacy Pederson, Stacy Pederson Photography /

Stephanie Colgan /

Stephanie Dicks, At a Glance Photography /

Tamara Crews /

The Photographer's Guild /

Theodore Sheppard /

Tim & Heather Newcomb /

Tom Archibald /

Tonya Wilson /

Vanessa Cararra, Satori Photography /

Whitnei Abel, Whitnei Photographei /